Dry waste

Steps to Process Dry Waste

Steps Work Detail Remark Capacity(Per Shift 8 Hrs)
I) Screening of Waste
A)Screening of material forsize of 4- 6MM Bio Soilsegregation for Farmers of landfilling Per Shift 800 MT
B)Screening Material <30MM As primary size segregation/Land Filling Per Shift 800 MT
D)Screening Material 30-50 MM As primary size segregation next step Density wise Separation Per Shift 800 MT
E)Screening Material 80-100 MM As primary size segregation next step Density wise Separation Per Shift 800 MT
F)Screening Material >150 MM As primary size segregation next step Density wise Separation Per Shift 800 MT
II) Density Wise Separation for categorized
A) Low Density materialseparated-Plastic RDF Per Shift 800 MT
B)High Density material (Recycling and Inert) Inert for RDF Per Shift 800 MT
III) Magnetic Separator Iron materialseparation Upto 100 KG from 1.5 Mtr
IV) Shredding of RDF Plastic Shredding as RDF for Respective Industrial Customer
V) Bailing Compress Recyclable material to reduce volume Per Shift 400 MT
VI) Zatak (Plastic Cleaning machine)
Steps Work Detail Machine Detail Specification make Model Capacity (Per Shift8 Hrs)
I) Mining of Legacy Waste
A)Excavation of legacyWaste By Excavator(Total Four Units) JCB 210 Per Shift 1500MT
B)Hipping of Legacy waste By Excavator(Total Four Units) JCB 210 Per Shift 1200 MT
II) Bio Treatment
A) Spray Bio Culture Customized Mobile Spray (02Qty) Motor, Tank and Spray set on Mobile Van Per Shift 1500 MT